User Request Form

Use this form to add new cloud users, change an email address for a cloud user, disable cloud users that are no longer in your practice or require access, purchase a 2FA security token for a cloud user, add local network users, disable local network users that are no longer in your practice or require access, and to modify a local network user to correct typos or for name changes.

Access to the ChartMaker Cloud requires two-factor authentication for all cloud users. Two-factor authentication (2FA), or two-step authentication, is an important security measure that adds a second layer of protection in addition to your password. Adding this additional security layer makes it much harder for hackers to break into your accounts as well as complying with HIPAA regulation. HIPAA requires covered entities to verify that a person seeking access to electronic protected health information (ePHI) has authorization. Another advantage of utilizing 2FA in the STI Cloud environment is that you will no longer need to create a new password every 90 days. You will be able to use a permanent login password.

To achieve 2FA, STI is deploying a product named Duo Mobile which is a free 2FA app that cloud users install on their own smartphone. This is our recommended method of authentication. However, if a cloud user does not have a smartphone, or does not have access to a smartphone, 2FA Security Tokens can be purchased ($30/token, includes configuration and installation) and configured for a cloud user to achieve 2FA. Do note, when using a smartphone in conjunction with Duo Mobile, a unique email address is needed for each cloud user. If a unique address is not provided for each cloud user, access to ChartMaker Cloud will be delayed until one is provided.